Learn From A Pro:

I was self taught in food photography until I scoured the internet, watched every YouTube video, and flew to 3 cities to attend in-person workshops. Now that I have the knowledge and over a decade of experience, I'm ready to share my knowledge. And no, you don't need a photography degree to be successful at this. I'm living proof!

The best thing I did for my career was commit to attending any in-person food photography workshop I could find. This lead  to 3 cities and studying under some of the top commercial food photographers in the world. There is absolutely nothing that compares to hands-on learning. Join us in Golden, CO for our next multi-day food photography and styling workshop. It's not scheduled yet, but things are brewing. 


Teach the team

Corporate Workshops

Let's Hangout

All the tips

Let us come to you. What better way to grow your team's skill than having a tailored workshop in the comfort of your offices.  We will work with you to build a custom curriculum specific to your product and brand. Topics include lighting, editing, setting up scenes, propping and food styling.  The format is a mix of lecture and hands-on teaching to implement what you learned.  It's a team-building culinary dream day. 

Tips In
Your Inbox

Learn from the comfort of your computer with tips and tricks straight to your email. Do you know the 3 most common food photography mistakes? Want to know my favorite bounces...wait what's a bounce?! Do you know how to select the right angle for your dish? Do you know the most common edits nearly every food photo needs? Did you know you probably have diffusion material in your kitchen or bathroom?

3 Ways to Learn From Rachel